Barbaroslar Episode 5 Bangla Subtitle । Season 1। hayreddin barbarossa bangla। tomta help
In Episode 5 of Barbarossa, Hairabe identifies Sahin and passes this information to Oruj. The next morning, Oruj takes steps to bring Muhammad and his friends back. Barbaroslar season 1 Episode 5 Bangla Subtitle
Watch Barbaroslar season 1 Episode 5 Bangla Subtitle
Sahin says he will not capture and will attack Aruj. Muhammad came out of the tent.
Kilik Bay and his troops arrive. Kilik asks Aruj to forgive Sahin and says that he loves her like his own son. Aruj starts looking for Muhammad with his friends. Khizir, Isaac, Nico and Zainab left for Alexandria. Pietro soon learns of Khizr's journey and tells Radco to stop them.Barbaroslar season 1 Episode 5 Bangla Subtitle
Pietro secretly kills Silvio's soldiers and enters his office. Pietro gets angry at Silvio for giving Aruz a job and asks him to find another worker.
The saint went to Oruj and told him that the time was right. Aruja doesn't understand what the saint is saying and says he will wait a little longer. Khizir spends the night reading books found in Suleiman's shop. He came and told Despina that Yorgo was staying at his house. Barbaroslar season 1 Episode 5 Bangla Subtitle
Silvio calls Zafar and congratulates him for what he has done at the port. Silvio assigned Jafar the task of guarding a ship bound for Thessaloniki. Aruz bought a gift to thank Isabel. Yergo talks to Despina again and tries to persuade her. Aruz tells Isabel that she could not buy a ship because of the unexpected price increase.
Seeing this situation, Zafar gets very angry, but he can't do anything. Aruz later meets Isabel and asks her what she knows about Unita. Isabel is very surprised, but Aruz says she will reveal Uniter's dirty work. Barbaroslar season 1 Episode 5 Bangla Subtitle
Zafar meets Sahin and asks him for help to put something on the ship in Thessaloniki. After the recent incident, Silvio became very angry with Isabel and slapped her. Aruz and his friends are ready to go to Thessaloniki
Pietro's men find Poseidon and bring him into the castle's dungeon. Poseidon doesn't understand what happened, but Pietro begins to explain to him. The captain said there was only one cannon on board.
Khizir and Nico jump into the sea and start damaging Radco's ship from under the water. Aruj and Elias catch Zafar before the explosion. Barbaroslar season 1 Episode 5 Bangla Subtitle
Zafar says the powder keg will soon explode and try to escape. Radcour's men started firing from behind but failed. Isaac and Captain Radco almost sank the ship. Barbaroslar season 1 Episode 5 Bangla Subtitle Aruj and Elias start fighting with Zafar on the ship. Radco realizes that he can't catch Khizir and the book, so he decides to flee before his ship sinks.